Thursday, September 19, 2013

Converting Clients from SEO in Secondary Social Media

It seems clear that social networks are not the most appropriate place to sell, something that online marketers preach for a long time and thought has gone into clarifying .

But then we have to forget completely to get customers in social networks ? Are we facing something impossible or simply must have a presence on social networks just for other purposes?

They usually have many doubts about these issues and is often confused concepts . There is a difference between direct selling (which is not recommended ) and capture leads eventually probably end up being consumers of our products or services.

That said , you should know that the process that turns a fan on client consists of 4 phases:
1. Uptake phase

This is the phase in which the potential client does not know or is not yet a fan of our Facebook page . You can reach him through different channels , but usually is on our website or blog where we get to grasp . Should not count on too much web traffic , we can always choose to use Facebook 's own advertising .

This point is relatively simple since it does not require much effort from the user. One of the necessary conditions for that to take place is that the user feel some interest in our business for seo raleigh 
Two . Loyalty phase

You know us but we still have to win their trust , which takes time and patience . This is where we publish content type , quality , time of publication, and the frequency with which we share are crucial to achieve the desired effect . But this does not ensure that you get fans to end up becoming loyal customers.
Three . Conversion step

This is the point that many companies fail. They have thousands of fans but they are not exactly sure what to do with them or how to take the next step . In fact , they know the name of the fan but do not have many more details about him . If no other tools we use this relationship between fans / company will not change, because it will hardly be the fan who becomes a client of their own .