Friday, November 22, 2013

SEO Marketing Activities

That's it, you are now ready to make yourself your own SEO audit. I remember once again need some knowledge and some to analyze the experiment results . It takes time , reflection , brief work. And when you see the sites of some agencies insert a " free audit " (which means " automation "), you now understand why it is peanuts in terms of quality seo internet marketing

Maybe I hope you enjoyed this issue in its entirety and if this is the case , I will motivated to make others ;-) In the wise ! The social part is the last checkpoint before the big line to complete the audit of SEO that we will still be busy for a week. First of all, I want to clarify that this is not an audit of the social strategy that we will do here but an audit of the existing relationship between the site and social media. That it throws .

A second precision : very often , the theme of the site that this part of the audit will prove unnecessary. Besides, I 've never had to do. But that does not prevent me from having thought ;-) And that's how I would organize it , while remaining within the scope of the audit SEO without overflowing on an "audit  seo " .

Inventory of existing share

It, you guessed it . Perform an inventory of shares on each page is the point of departure almost mandatory . You can use a generic tool (type Social Crawlytics that counts shares on Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest , Google+ , LinkedIn, Delicious StumbleUpon e ) to perform this inventory or develop yourself your own tool very often , social networks share an API that enables developers to facilitate their work of seo marketing analysis.

SocialCrawlytics dashboard

Three objectives behind this action: know the commitment of players to the site content, determine what type of content is most popular and assess the social impact on SEO . If the first is relatively simple to understand, we will detail the next two for local seo

If you audit a site in WordPress, you can install the extension Social Metrics that exists in free version ( but limited ) and paid versions , it will make you count the shares on all major platforms .
What type of content is shared

Once the inventory of shares made ​​, we will rank pages more to less shared shared. If all goes well , we will have to finish a typology of what appeals to readers , so it is an extra ball for the establishment of a future strategy .

Usage 3: Editorial Content and site structure

Applicant: the digital marketing team or Acquisition traffic or Product Marketing team

Objective: Develop content strategy and produce an editorial calendar, set the correct structure of website.

In this case, we will try to clearly identify what concerns our target audience and establish a process to read important topics to fatten relevant traffic. You can be in an institutional logic or conversion (e-commerce, lead, etc.).

In case of website redesign, we will use the analysis to build a website structure that sticks to 100% that the search
seo website hearing netlinking. Here is a quick summary for those who were not present.
The netlinking is not ready to die

One of the most important in the success of Google features is to have based on data provided by the Internet users. Hyperlinks that connect these web pages are considered as votes that determine the importance of a particular page: this is the famous
seo services

Google has built its relevance on its ability to calculate the PageRank across the web, which requires considerable resources in terms of computing power. In other words, it seems quite difficult for the Mountain View giant to go back on the influence of links in its algorithm, would that financially speaking (this is what the Brothers Peyronnet explain in their excellent Masterclass Motors + SEO).

However, the engine becomes more intelligent and efficient in the fight against spam, and now easily detects structures links automatically generated links and other massive acquisition techniques that worked quite well, however there is still some time. Google Penguin is just one example among others of the ability to detect those above the yellow line (or black ;)) for 
seo marketings services  We need to reinvent the wheel?

Why try to stay under the radar when you have done nothing wrong? The question is what to do to acquire new links, while not attracting not the wrath of the search engines.

And the answer is quite simple: acquiring links through natural levers has no reason to be punished. What could be more natural for a company with several websites that offer on each of these links to other sites in the network? What could be more logical in contrast to Google, which punish there a little over a year now sites SEO press releases, which were only used by SEO and read by anyone?

The rules were ultimately not changed much: be careful and organized, and you will not take the risk.
Netlinking of the Influence

Finally, Google Penguin to increase not provided via Google PageSpeed, Google encourages us to move towards quality work, technical or editorial. This is the safest way for him to provide its users with relevant results.

So why not apply this logic to netlinking, and switch tricks to acquire links to a strategy of influence, to be beneficial to your brand? Google way. 

Registering for SEO Services

How to register by sending an email to (reply with the exact address), and indicating the number of people present. No later than 3 days before the date (thank you in advance ...)

Here is the topic that will be discussed, around concrete examples:

    What the analysis shows queries about your customers - and you may not know.
    Queries typed by your clients are much more numerous than you think.
    How to use operationally analysis of these Google applications:
        Position where your competitors are not
        Produce website content 100% relevant
        Build a structure of website based on what your customers are looking,
        New product launch: how to validate the application.
    B2B B2C against

Case studies:. Market connected objects, U.S. STEEL case, if a large player in the FMCG and other examples human is a social being

Human beings have a need for emotional ties with his family and the world. Moreover, some psychologists will tell you that human beings live their greatest emotional experiences when sharing their feelings with other people they like.

On websites, we talk to robots, a great contrast to our social life everyday. Fortunately, we can overcome this problem by offering users a positive experience. We are talking about user experience as it is a set of practices beyond the design of a page.

The lack of reference on the net (it must be said that many users are not experts) does not help the decision. Make a mountain of information, a multitude of competitors, lots of pages lifeless, the user is easily lost. Human presence will reassure and receive
seo blog Make reflected emotions beyond the design

The design, colors, wording, features and content strategy will help to show that there are caring human beings behind the screen of the

seo resource If the job is done, the personality of your business emerge through the different pages of your website.

Do not forget, when it comes to user experience, it is not displaying a wording, pictures or a nice design. But to show the personality of the company and to sweat beyond your office.

To play some of the human side did not hesitate to play the card of humor like a Michel et Augustin or Innocent by
internet marketing blog
Humor has a very viral side, there is a great emotional vector and knows how to give a "real" side with the tone informal employee.
The robots are not funny, caring, human beings yes